India’s No. 1 Diabetes health food brand.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Anti Diabetic (wheat less) Atta

Active Aayu,Anti Diabetic Atta,Control DiabetesAnti Diabetic Atta controls sugar level and helps fighting diabetes.
The Anti Diabetic Atta is a combination of various grains, where the concentration of dietary fibres, minerals & proteins is more. All these things helps our body to cope with diabetes which is basically caused due to lack of insulin in the body.
The amount of insulin, required to break down the sugar in the body, is reduced in diabetic people. This atta helps diabetic people to cope with this problem in a healthy manner. Non-diabetic people with diabetic history in family can also use this atta.

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Diabetes - Fights Diabetes Naturaly :: Food for Diabetic People

Product & NutritionActive Aayu,Healthy Food,Diabetes Care
Proper diet is essential for diabetic treatment. It helps patients suffering from diabetes in their course of treatment. It provides relief from symptoms and various complications in diabetics. Many diabetic patients can control their blood glucose by losing weight and that is possible only by proper diet.

People with diabetes are twice the risk of developing heart diseases, so they should reduce the intake of saturated fats, and cholesterol like meat and dairy products that are major sources of satuarated fats. Instead, they should make use of unsaturated and mono unsaturated fats like mostly vegetables oils are high in unsaturated fats and olive oil is a good source of mono unsaturated fat. It is the healthiest type of the fat.
Eating right is a key step to preventing and controlling diabetes. Fortunately, whether you’re trying to reduce your risk of diabetes or manage a pre-existing problem, you can still enjoy your favorite foods and take pleasure from your meals. But if you are not eating healthy, you may need to rectify this habit soon, for a healthier and disease free lifestyle. The key to a healthy diet is eating in moderation, sticking to regular mealtimes, and eating a variety of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
Make a difference by introducing Active Aayu products in your diet and feel fit and energetic all day long!

Active Aayu,Food for Diabetes,Control Diabetes,Diet for Diabetic Patients

 Diabetic food products, such as Anti Diabetic Atta and barley dalia "helps" in controlling sugar level and fighting diabetes. 

Fights Diabetes Naturally :: Active Aayu

Diabetes is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the world, in which the body cannot properly convert food into energy. Diabetics must be always cautious about the source of their calorie intake.

Diabetics have greater needs of nutritional supplements for fulfilling the metabolic requirements of the body. Non starchy veggies, skimmed milk, lean chicken, high fiber fruits and low glycemic food products are smart choices for an informed diabetic.

Diabetic food products, such as Anti Diabetic Atta and barley dalia "helps" in controlling sugar level and fighting diabetes. 
                                                                                                        Active Aayu,Food for Diabetes,Control Diabetes